Capistrano for Laravel 5 in Ubuntu
Install Capistrano in Ubuntu
gem install capistrano
SSH access
Capistrano deploys using SSH. Thus, you must be able to SSH from the deployment system to the destination system for Capistrano to work. You can test the SSH connection using a ssh client, e.g.
ssh your_username@destinationserver
If you cannot connect, in order to be able to do this you need two things:
1) An account on the target machine
2) Your public key added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
So, SSH into the staging machine and add your key to username’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. You should now be able to pull from git on the server without it asking you for identification.
Server privileges
In order to deploy, the user needs some special privileges.First add a group named deploy to the server:
sudo groupadd deploy
We now need to add ourselves and any other users that need access (other developers) to the deploy group, and the user that executes our web server. Opening the /etc/group file, and look for the line that beings with deploy. We append users, comma delimited. In this example I am using a nginx server.
Now we have a deploy group, whose members include us, any other developers who will be deploying and the web server user.
Add the deploy group to the /etc/sudoers. For that create file /etc/sudoers.d/01deply to enable members of deploy group to access root via sudo without passwords
and set up 440 permissions to the file
chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/01wheel
Project structure
Now define the new structure for your projectprojectname
|-- components
|-- deploy
all of then will have 755 permissions and g+i flag that indicates that old the subdirectories will have the same privileges as the project directory.
sudo mkdir -p new-project/components
sudo mkdir -p new-project/deploy
sudo chmod -R 775 new-project
sudo chmod -R g+i new-project
sudo chown -R your_username new-project
sudo chgrp -R deploy new-
projectOn the local machine
Go to the Laravel root project's folder and run
cap install
The command creates the following structure:
mkdir -p config/deploy
create config/deploy.rb
create config/deploy/staging.rb
create config/deploy/production.rb
mkdir -p lib/capistrano/tasks
create Capfile
where staging.rb and deploy.rb are the files that we are going to work.We have to create an additional file to store our credentials:
vi config/myconfig.rb
set :ssh_options, {
user: 'your_username'
set :tmp_dir, '/home/your_username/tmp'
Adding Task to Capistrano
Vendor files and config files
Edit the config file deploy.rb
vi config/deploy.rb
and add the next lines after the lock line.set :application, 'new-project'
set :repo_url, ''
set :deploy_to, '/var/www/new-project/deploy'
components_dir = '/var/www/new-project/components'
set :components_dir, components_dir
# Devops commands
namespace :ops do
desc 'Copy non-git files to servers.'
task :put_components do
on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 1 do
system("tar czf .build/vendor.tar.gz ./vendor")
upload! '.build/vendor.tar.gz', "#{components_dir}", :recursive => true
execute "cd #{components_dir}
tar -zxf /var/www/new-project/components/vendor.tar.gz"
Now configure the staging.rb condig file
vi config/deploy/staging.rb
adding the next lines:
role :app, %w{your_username@destinationserver}
require './config/myconfig.rb'
namespace :deploy do
desc 'Get stuff ready prior to symlinking'
task :compile_assets do
on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 1 do
execute "cp #{deploy_to}/../components/.env.staging.php #{release_path}"
execute "cp -r #{deploy_to}/../components/vendor #{release_path}"
after :updated, :compile_assets
# Devops commands
namespace :ops do
desc 'Copy non-git ENV specific files to servers.'
task :put_env_components do
on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 1 do
upload! './.env.staging.php', "#{deploy_to}/../components/.env.staging.php"
Let's try if everything works. Check if the tasks are available for cap writing cat -T.Now let's transfer the config and vendor files to the server:
cap staging ops:put_components
cap staging ops:put_env_components
Once the files are in the server we can deploy
cap staging deploy
Possible errors
Is you receive an error like this:
the deploy has failed with an error: Exception while executing as your_username@destinationserver: git exit status: 128
stdout: Nothing written
git stderr: Error reading response length from authentication socket.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
that means you have to follow an additional step in your local terminal. Run
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
And try again, e.g.
cap staging deployThat's all
Hope helps