As you know, long time ago, Illuminate/Html was remove from laravel because it is not a core feature. Today I need to use Form for one of my projects and I am going to show how to include in Laravel 5.2. (I prefer not to use Form but you never know).
1) Add to composer.json
"illuminate/html": "5.*"
2) Update your project
composer update
3) Edit the file config/app.php and add to providers
4) Edit config/app.php and add to aliases
'Html' => Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade::class,
'Form' => Illuminate\Html\FormFacade::class,
5) Check it for example using the code:
{!! Form::open() !!}
{!! Form::text('name', @$name) !!}
{!! Form::password('password') !!}
{!! Form::submit('Send') !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
If you receive the error:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::bindShared()
that means you need an additional step. Laravel 5.2 use singleton instead bindShared which is deprecated. You have to change that in your vendor HtmlServiceProvider as:
* Register the HTML builder instance.
* @return void
protected function registerHtmlBuilder()
$this->app->singleton('html', function($app)
return new HtmlBuilder($app['url']);
* Register the form builder instance.
* @return void
protected function registerFormBuilder()
$this->app->singleton('form', function($app)
$form = new FormBuilder($app['html'], $app['url'], $app['']->getToken());
return $form->setSessionStore($app['']);
Hope it helps